- Category: Info
- Written by Felix Crainicu
- Hits: 10666
Multiplier Events
- Lisbon: Multiplier event period: 19 – 21 May 2017 (Friday to Sunday).
- Brussels: Multiplier event period: 30 June – 2 July 2017 (Friday to Sunday).
- Bucharest: Multiplier event period: 1 – 3 September 2017 (Friday to Sunday)
Detailed information
- What is a Multiplier Event?
An international event organised by the Oportunidance team. There are 3 such events, held in Lisbon, Brussels and Bucharest in 2017.
- What happens during a ME?
Participants will be involved in dance classes, intercultural activities, touristic discovery of each of the 3 cities, eating together, parties and other surprises.
There will be group activities in which the participants will need to use the foreign languages practiced with the help of the Oportunidance platform and the dance moves they have learned with our video dance tutorials.
- Who can participate in these events?
We organise a competition before each event.
Profile of the ideal participant:
- adult (18 years+), interested in foreign languages, dance of any kind and cultural discoveries;
Number of participants / places available: For each event: minimum 20 local participants + 40 international participants.
- Criteria for the selection of candidates:
- LANGUAGE AND INTERCULTURAL criterion. Active learning the Project learning Platform. How the activity on the Platform is measured? The main criterion is the number of badges candidates obtain on the platform. Badges are “prizes” you are automatically awarded when you finish an important activity or a module on the platform. For candidates with the same number of badges, additional criteria will apply: the number of modules finished, the number of courses you are enrolled in, etc.
- DANCE criterion. One video of the candidate performing a dance inspired from (but not restricted to) our video tutorials (a particular move, pattern or concept).The video should have between 1 and 3 minutes in length. Participants who do not want to show their faces in the video can send a video showing only their feet. Unless specified, the videos will be watched only by our dance teachers. Please send the link of the video at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Videos will receive grades from 1 to 10 (10 being the maximum). In the description of the video, mention the tutorial from which you learnt that particular move, pattern or concept. Evaluation criteria for the videos:
1) Dance ability. In your video, you are supposed to prove your ability to perform a continuous sequence of movements with a beginning, middle and end (1), with moves taking various aesthetic shapes (2), all of which should occur within a determined amount of time (3).
2) Fluency of Movement. This criterion refers to the ability of connecting a series of movements. In other words, no 'dead' moments or unjustified pausing should exist in the transition from a state of rest to a movement (and vice versa) or between two movements.
3) Rhythm and Musicality. Following the rhythm while dancing is synchronising the movement of your body with the beat of the music. Musicality mainly refers to two things: matching the energy of the movement with the energy of the music (1) and accentuating the sounds with the moves of your body (2).
4) Inner freedom. This is an artistic concept referring to the lack of limits imposed by one's state of mind. To be more precise, a person with inner freedom enjoys the moment of artistic expression. He/she has the capacity of going beyond their comfort zone and expressing their feelings without taking into consideration the barriers created through reason, such as being embarrassed, avoiding to do one move or another out of fear of criticism by other people etc.
5) Last but not least, CREATIVITY!
Each partner institution selects 8 candidates who have:
- The maximum number of badges on the platform for the language and intercultural criterion.
- The maximum grade for the dance criterion.
If you want to participate in one of our Multiplier Events, please enroll, using the online form specific for each event.
ME Lisbon Provisional Program DRAFT
Online form to participate in the Lisbon Multiplier Event
Places available:
- Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti: 8 participants
- Oportunidad Escuela de Baile: 8 participants
- Escola Oficial d'Idiomes de Barcelona-Drassanes: 8 participants
- Université de Bruxelles: 8 participants
- Other institutions (not partners in the project): 8 participants
- Universidade de Lisboa: 20 local participants
ME Brussels Provisional Program DRAFT
Online form to participate in the Brussels Multiplier Event
Places available:
- Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti: 8 participants
- Oportunidad Escuela de Baile: 8 participants
- Escola Oficial d'Idiomes de Barcelona-Drassanes: 8 participants
- Universidade de Lisboa: 8 participants
- External institutions: 8 participants
- Université de Bruxelles: 20 local participants
ME Bucharest provisional program DRAFT
Online form to participate in the Bucharest Multiplier Event
Places available:
- Escola Oficial d'Idiomes de Barcelona-Drassanes: 8 participants
- Universidade de Lisboa: 8 participants
- Université de Bruxelles: 8 participants
- External institutions: 8 participants
- Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti: 10 local participants
- Oportunidad Escuela de Baile: 10 local participants