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Oportunidance Team - Portugal

Universidade De Lisboa

RoxanaRoxana Ciolaneanu (PhD) teaches Romanian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Her research interests are in the field of specialised languages, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation. She wrote a book on the Romanian terminolgy of marketing and various articles in line with her research interests. She also has vast experience in teaching Romanian as a foreign language inside and outside the country and has expertise in creating language teaching materials, using authentic materials in class, one-to-one classes and organising customised courses in accordance with the trainee's profile.


EsperancaEsperança Cardeira (PhD) Domains of competence: Philology, Historical Linguistics, Portuguese Linguistics.

Esperança Cardeira teaches History of the Portuguese Language, Portuguese Dialectology, Portuguese Linguistics and Philology with the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, for over 20 years. In the past, she also taught French for foreigners.

She holds a BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures and a Ph.D. in Portuguese Linguistics, from the University of Lisbon with a thesis on historical linguistics.

She is author and co-author of number of studies on linguistic variation and change and she has been engaged in several projects, including in the field of corpus linguistics.

Hobbies: reading, travelling, gardening but mostly eating and sleeping.


AlinaAlina Villalva (PhD) has expertise in teaching and doing research in the following areas: Portuguese Vocabulary, Portuguese Morphology and Lexicology.

Alina Villalva, PhD professor

Domains of competence: lexicology, morphology and word formation

55 years old, she is a linguist and a faculty member of the Linguistics Department at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Her research activities are hosted by the Psycholinguistics Lab at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), since 2008, and by the Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional from 1986 to 2001.

She has taught a variety of disciplines, both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels, since 1984. She was the head of the Linguistics Department from 2009 to 2013. She has participated in several research projects, some of which she has also coordinated.

She published several books, individually or in collaboration with other colleagues, as well as a large number of papers, mostly in international scientific publications. She also attended many conferences, some of which as an invited speaker.

Although her research is dominantly theoretical and focused on core discussions within the fields of her expertise, she appreciates and promotes communication of her research findings and her specialized knowledge to wider audiences.

Hobbies: gardening, handcrafts

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Site: www.clul.ul.pt/pt/investigador/139-alina-villalva


Lui sLuís Xarez (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon where he teaches Creative Dance, Dance Training, and Movement Analysis. Being a researcher at the Laboratory of Motor Behavior of the same faculty, he develops research on motor memory in dance, interpersonal coordination and topics related to the training and the creative process. Has a published book about Dance Training and one on Creative Dance (in press). Former dancer and choreographer. Member of IADMS (International Association for Dance Medicine and Science) where he has presented several communications and workshops.


TaniaTânia Seixas is an expert in Ballroom Dance and she was an international practitioner and participant in World Championships, International Opens and in different television programs with large audience. She is a Ballroom dance teacher (Associate - Latin and Standard) certified by the United Kingdom Alliance (UKA).  She has a BA and a Master degreewith the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching since 2011. She develops research in the area of motor behavior in the field of interpersonal coordination of couples in dance.