- Written by Felix Crainicu
- Category: Intermediate
- Hits: 1532
Copa, a.k.a. ‘in and out’, is a pattern based on the open break move. You can use it in many ways, three of them are available for learning in this video. If everything is correct in what concerns leading and following, copa will be a pleasure. If not, things are not particularly nice for the ladies. Enjoy!
Working on your footwork is a nice way to take yourself to the next level in salsa or any other social dance. There is a saying about how only after the first one hundred kilometers of basic steps you can consider yourself an advanced dancer. Practicing footwork is a shortcut. Enjoy the video!
The ’Frisbee’ is a move you can use very often in your salsa dancing. Well, there are a few rules about how you lead this move, about the "J" letter you need to draw in the air with the lady's hand. Watch the video and lead a perfect frisbee move!