• Written by Felix Crainicu
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Oportunidance TEAM


Roxana Bârlea, Project Manager, PhD Associate professor roxana barlea

Domains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural and professional communication

She is currently working as guest researcher with the University of Geneva, Switzerland, teaching Romanian as a foreign language.

Between 2003 and 2015 she taught French and business communication at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania. Her duties also involved collaborations with multinational companies in Bucharest, teaching professional communication in French and Romanian as foreign languages.

39 years old, her professional activity encompasses 12 years in 11 countries on 4 continents; over 50 publications (articles, studies and books), over 30 participations in conferences and 12 research projects.

Fascinated by linguistic and cultural diversity, for Roxana Bârlea teaching is a passion much more than a mere profession.

Hobbies: social dance, guitar playing

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Site: www.roxana.birlea.ro

Maria-Antoaneta Lorentz, PhD Associate Professor

lorenzMaria-Antoaneta is a scholar in foreign languages. She holds a university degree in French and English linguistics and literature from the University of Bucharest, Romania and a Ph.D. in Philology from the same university with a thesis on axiological adjectives.

She joined the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 1991 and since 2005 she has been Associate Professor in business communication in foreign languages.

Variety is the spice of life, and the quest for variety has driven her work as a teacher, researcher, trainer, freelance consultant and internal auditor.

Her main interest is finding ways to enhance and support her students’ educational learning performance. She enjoys contributing to the profession through her works. She is author and co-author of business English and French materials, dictionaries, lexicons and vocabularies.  The use of technology in language teaching really “lights her fire” and is always on the look-out for ways to exploit new technologies, being one of the promoters of using blended learning in teaching foreign languages in the academic or professional environments.

Her research focuses on various concepts, frameworks and issues that underpin language teaching methodology, including French and English for academic and specific purposes, Romanian for foreign students, cross-cultural competence in business communication, applied linguistics, terminology and specialized translation. 

She has been engaged in a number of national and international projects, including Multilingual Communication, E-Learning and Blended Learning, Quality Assessment Training, Towards a more specialized European Framework for (self)assessing language competences, Acquis Communautaire.

She is editor and peer-review of “Dialogos” and “Synergy”, two journals open to language teachers and other specialists in education. She has published extensively in the academic literature on teaching methodology and business communication and has presented results of her work to a number of national and international conferences.

She is a member of ARDUF (Romanian Association of Francophone Academic Departments) and of the Pan-Latin Terminology Network - Realiter.

Hobbies: history, music, travelling

Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mariana Nicolae, PhD Professor 

nicolaeProfessor Nicolae is the head of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication of the School of International Business and Economics of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (BUES), one of the most important universities of economics and business in Romania and the region. Professor Nicolae is also the director of the Master in International Business Communication programme delivered in English.

Mariana Nicolae holds a BA in English literature and linguistics from the University of Bucharest, Romania, a Ph.D. in Education from the same university, and a doctoral degree in Economics with a focus on leadership in higher education. Besides teaching, research and academic management, her current duties involve institutional building, coaching and mentoring, networking with people and organizations, publishing, traveling, and organizing (inter)national conferences in Romania. She was a Fulbright senior scholar at the California State University of San Bernardino in 2005 and in May 2013 has been appointed a Fulbright ambassador for higher education institutions. She participated as an expert evaluator in the Framework Programme 7 of the European Union. She is a founding member of the English-Speaking Union-Romania, a member of the Romanian Association for American Studies, a board member of the Association for Women Entrepreneurship Development, and a member of the Society for Business Excellence and the president of the Association Lingua Economica. 

Mariana Nicolae strongly believes in creativity and internationalization in education, research and academic management, in the need for coaching and mentoring for everybody.

Hobbies: gardening, walking, dancing, music.

Contact details:





e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

tel/fax: 0040 21 318 45 78 

Roxana Marinescu, PhD Associate professor

marinescuDomains of competence: intercultural communication, gender studies, business communication, foreign languages methodology.

Roxana Marinescu teaches Business Communication in English with the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. She holds an MA in British Cultural Studies and a PhD in Philology (“Magna cum Laude”) from the University of Bucharest, with a thesis on identity and postcolonialism in novels by authors of South-Asian origin.

She has published a number of articles on a variety of topics, including intercultural communication, cultural studies, multilingualism, education for democratic citizenship, gender studies, and foreign language education. Also, she published several books and textbooks.

She is editor-in-chief of Synergy Journal, a vehicle of research and practical teaching ideas, connecting academics in Europe and beyond.

Hobbies: reading, feminism, social activism

Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / www.synergy.ase.ro

Irina David, PhD Lecturer

irinadavidOKDomains of competence: the methodology of teaching business communication in English, cultural issues related to language training, developing critical thinking skills

Irina David is a Lecturer with the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She has a BA in English and French languages and literatures from the University of Bucharest, an MS in Business Communication in English and one in English Language Education and Research Communication in Business and Economics, both from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In 2012 she received her degree of Doctor in Philology from the University of Bucharest.

She co-authored two textbooks on business communication in English and one on cultural studies and she is the author of a book on enhancing students’ communication skills in English. She is also the author and co-author of various articles which focus on cultural and methodological topics.

She has participated in research projects on multilingualism and designing tools for the (self)-assessment of language proficiency, the development of academic and research skills, as well as in projects on socioeconomic issues.

Hobbies: listening to good music, travelling, spending time with her dogs

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Felix Crainicu, founder of Oportunidad

felixTheater director, choreographer, dancer, radio host, writer. With over fifteen years experience in dancing, drama, salsa. He studied salsa with some of the greatest teachers worldwide and went on stage in many countries of Europe and America. He has got a wide artistic experience, on stage and backstage. Author of many shows and performances.

“He is one of the fastest learners I've ever met. While in Romania, he picked up Musicality as if he had done it his entire life. He was so thirsty to learn more, it was a dream working with him. I'd love to see how far he's come. He is an example Musicalist for Eastern European Salseros.” - Eddie The Salsafreak

“Smooth!” - Susana Montero

Interview with Felix

Following many years on stage and backstage, Felix Crainicu decided to create this school of dance, theater, improvisation and personal development in the winter of 2011. Therefore, March 1st 2011 was the schools’ big opening. From then on a long series of classes, workshops, shows and events followed. On March 1st 2013, because the school name was no longer representative, Oportunidad Escuela de Salsa / Oportunidad Salsa School became Oportunidad Escuela de Baile / Oportunidad Dance School.

"It is never too late for social dance and I am a vivid example. I was around 27 – 28 when I started dancing. Until then I had never taken one dancing step. Ever! After a few years I was already dancing on stage across Europe in theater-dance performances. All you need is a start. " - Felix

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

danaDana Stinga - manager, instructor

As an actress she performed many years for  "Tony Bulandra" Theater in Targoviste as well as on many other stages across and outside the country. She joined the team of Oportunidad in 2013 by taking over all the tasks regarding management and public relations.  What is more, she is the one connecting the wonderful world of dancing with the unique universe of the theater.   After intensive training, Dana started teaching beginners classes in 2015. She also gives improvisation and acting classes.  

"Dancing is completing the great art of the actor. Besides, it is a means to be free. " – Dana

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

andreeaAndreea Hagiu - instructor

She discovered salsa in Belgium in 2012 and joined Oportunidad in May 2013. After a short while she became familiar with the magic on stage and in November 2013 she became part of the instructors’ team. She works in the nongovernmental field, loves children, volunteering and nonformal education.  A complete dancer who always seeks perfection. Her dance classes will always make you smile because her innate joy appears in each and every one of her moves. She created her own dance style, unique in Romania.

"I feel the dance as if it were in my blood. It sends me shivers and makes me vibrate. To me, dancing is intensity, magic and freedom." – Andreea

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

codrutCodrut Alexandrescu - instructor

Economist, he started taking salsa classes at Oportunidad in 2011. He is among the very first students of the school. He immediately understood the mechanisms he needed in order to learn salsa and he uses them now in order to share with others his knowledge. His rigorousity and vision are helping him adapt dancing according to his own principles. His wide experience in martial arts can be easily recognized during his classes through his strength and tenacity.

“Salsa is that way in which I express myself without using words but through gestures, my attitude and my look in order to let my dance partner know what I feel.” - Codrut.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

dimitrieDimitrie Carp - instructor

A passionate and experienced dancer, he discovered this type of art in the beginning of the 2000’s, when he was a member of the ballroom team which later became Romania’s national champion. Since 2004 he has been dancing salsa without interruption, being part of five different dancing teams and for two of them he was the choreographer himself. He has been teaching salsa, bachata, rueda and cha cha cha since 2011. He joined the team of Oportunidad in 2013.

"Salsa is going to change your life!" - Dimitrie

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro



Xavier Pascual, Ph.D. Associate Professor

xavierDomains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural  communication.

He is currently working as French teacher at EOIBD and as Associate Profesor and researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

In the past he has also taught Spanish and Catalan for foreigners and currently is teaching French and doing research on developing intercultural Competence.

46 years old, his professional activity encompasses 20 years in several countries and he has participated in several international educational projects and has consulted  in two different projects relating to teaching and learning foreign languages organized by the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz for the Council of Europe.

His ceaseless appetite for international travel and cultural interaction has allowed his passion to become his profession .

Hobbies: photography, travelling and diving.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gemma Rovira

gemmaDomains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural communication.

Fluent in five languages, she is currently working as a Dutch teacher at EOIBD. In the past he has also taught English and Catalan for foreigners in Spain and Spanish for foreigners in Belgium. She has taught Spanish at the European institutions and has  participated in European projects while working in Belgium.

She has followed and given many trainings for language teachers in several countries, and some of the materials presented were published. She enjoys creating materials in order to motivate her students to develop their love for other languages and cultures.

Gemma is a passionate reader and traveller and her love for languages makes her a vocational teacher.

Hobbies: Travelling, reading, meeting new people and arts and crafts.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


aliceAlice Toma is appointed as Associate Profesor at the Romanian Language Department of the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest /Université libre de Bruxelles – ULB.

She got two B.A. in philology (University of Bucharest), and mathematics (University of Bucharest). She has tree M.A. degrees in Contemporary Romanian Language (Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest), in Theoretical and Applied French Linguistics (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest), and in Linguistics (University of Geneva). She has benefited of several specialization stages at  the University of Geneva or Barcelona.  She completed her first PH.D. at the University of Bucharest, and she obtained her second PH.D. in linguistics at the University of Geneva. She is member of Société Suisse de Linguistique SSL, and she is also member of Realiter, a panLatin Association of Terminology.

She delivers courses and seminars in Semantics and Lexicology, Terminology, Stylistics, Romanian language and civilisation for foreign students. Since 2000 she has been several times a member of the teaching staff at the Summer Courses of the University of Bucharest.

She published more than 70 articles and studies in scientific journals in Romania and abroad. She is the author of five volumes: L’architecture relationnelle du texte scientifique (EME, Bruxelles, 2015, 256 p.), Fantastic şi folcloric în povestirile lui Vasile Voiculescu (Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 2014, 220 p.), Lingvistică şi matematică  [Linguistics and Mathematics] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2006, 2008, 520 p.), Les constructions segmentées [Segmented Constructions] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2008, 170 p.), Pragmatique informationnelle du discours scientifique [Informational Pragmatics of Scientific Discourse] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2009, 254 p.), and joint author of other two: Lexic comun, lexic specializat [Common Vocabulary, Specialized Vocabulary] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2000, pp. 85-118), and Lexic ştiinţific interdisciplinar[Interdisciplinary Scientific Vocabulary] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2001, pp. 141-238). Her research interests are discourse analysis, text analysis, pragmatics, semantics, language for scientific purposes, terminology. 

University of Bucharest/ Université libre de Bruxelles - ULB

Faculty of Letters/ Faculté de Lettres, Communication et Traduction

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  • Docteur en Philosophie et Lettres à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, thèse effectuée en linguistique française sous la direction de Marc Wilmet : L’ADVERBE FRANÇAIS. NATURE ET FONCTIONS.
  • Professeur de linguistique française à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles et à la Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • Vice-Doyen de la Faculté de Lettres, Traduction & Communication
  • Disciplines :
    • Linguistique française : morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique, analyse du discours, enseignement du français FLM et FLES.
    • Droits de l’Homme


Dorota WALCZAK DELANOISDorota Walczak-Delanois is a Professor at Université libre de Bruxelles and a chair of Polish Language and Culture Department.

She studied at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań where she defended a doctoral thesis on the avant-garde poetry. She gave lectures at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Charles de Gaulle University in Lille and at the University in Leuven.

She is the author of the book: Inne obliczeawangardy. O międzywojennej poezji Jana Brzękowskiego, Jalu Kurka i Adama Ważyka (Poznań, 2001) and the book of poetry (in Polish and French) Rozmysły/ Pensuelles (Warszawa, 2004).

She has published inter alia in: Arkusz, Czas Kultury, Dialog, Excavatio, Književna smotra, Kultura (Paris), Patrimoine litteraire, POEZJA dzisiaj, Polonistyka, Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne, Prce Polonistyczne, Slavica Belgica, Slavica Gandensia, StudiaSłowianoznawcze, Images, Excavatio, Comparative Yearbook. She is the editor in chief ofSlavica Bruxellensia. She is specialist of Polish avant-garde poetry and her research focuses relations between image and poetry in Polish and European poetry in the 20th and 21st century from a comparative perspective.

Cécile Bocianowski, Ph. D. assistant at Université libre de Bruxelles.

cecile IMG 20150614 WA0000She studied French Philology and Teaching French as a Foreign Language at Paris-Sorbonne, and Polish Philology at University of Warsaw. She defended a doctoral thesis at Paris-Sorbonne in Comparative Literature. She is currently teaching French and Polish as foreign languages and is a translator from Polish into French.

She is the author of several papers published in national and international journals, and among others publications, of a translation from Polish to French (Notre Classe, Paris, 2012) and the co-editor of a bilingual book (La morale de Mme Dulska. Edition bilingue, University of Warsaw, 2011).

She’s a language lover and a dance amateur, as a spectator and as a researcher. She works on links between dance, theatre and literature.

Damar, Marie-Ève

Marie Eve DAMAR iuFormation ULB

2015                            Certificat d’Aptitudes à l’Enseignement Supérieur (CAPAES)

2003 - 2007                Doctorat en Langues et Lettres : « Pour une linguistique applicable, l’exemple du subjonctif en Français Langue Etrangère »

2004                            DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) en Philosophie et Lettres

2000                            DEC2 (Diplôme d’Etudes Complémentaires de Deuxième Cycle) en enseignement du FLE (Français Langue Etrangère)

1995 - 1999                 AESS (Agrégation de l’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur)                   

Carrière scientifique

2008 – 2010                Mandat de chargée de recherche à l’ULB

Mise au point d’un dispositif d’apprentissage de la grammaire pour le FLE, préparation et coordination d’une expérience-pilote, en collaboration avec les enseignants de FLE et avec le CTE (Centre des Technologies au service de l’Enseignement) de l’ULB

2003 - 2008                Mandat à temps plein de recherche doctorale à l’ULB

2000                            Assistante à temps plein à la LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY (USA), pour le French Education Project for Research and Teacher Education, auprès du professeur Robert Lafayette, Chair of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, semestre d’automne

Poste de chercheur sur base de fonds extérieurs (Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles) à l’ULB, « Les déficits en français langue maternelle », auprès du professeur Marc Wilmet

Expériences nombreuses d’enseignement du français depuis 2000

Charge d’enseignement actuelle (2015-2016) :

Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Lettres, Traduction, Communication :

  • « Communication écrite en langue française » (titulaire)
  • « Méthodologie et exercices de communication écrite » (titulaire)
  • « Compréhension de textes » (cotitulaire)
  • « Linguistique du français moderne » (suppléante)
  • « Grammaire appliquée au FLE » (suppléante)
  • Séances de répétition de 3 cours en Langues et Lettres, pour étudiants allophones (ATLV)

Université de Mons, Faculté de Sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation :

  • « Linguistique contrastive pour l’enseignement-apprentissage du français » (titulaire)

Missions d’expertise

2009-à ce jour             Supervision scientifique des aspects linguistique et pédagogique de la mission des lecteurs de langues et littérature françaises envoyés par Wallonie-Bruxelles International dans les universités étrangères et dans les lycées bilingues : recrutement, formations initiale et continue, évaluation des rapports pédagogiques, missions d’inspection

2011-2012                  Direction des aspects pédagogiques et scientifiques de la F9 Languages in Brussels (école de langues dépendant de l’ULB) : supervision des enseignements, missions d’inspection, coordination pédagogique


Une trentaine d’articles dans des revues et d’actes de colloques, en linguistique française, en linguistique appliquée au FLE et en didactique du FLE

Plusieurs ouvrages en collaboration et deux ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur :

Communication écrite, Bruxelles, De Boeck, février 2014

Pour une linguistique applicable : l’exemple du subjonctif en FLE, Peter Lang, 2009, 248 p., avec le concours de la Fondation Universitaire

Tel. bureau : 02/ 650 44 42 fax : 02/ 650 24 50 Portable : 0474/ 37 39 11

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Lidia Morales Benito has degrees in both French and Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca, where she also completed the courses for her doctoral programme and received a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. She currently works as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language and is assistant in Hispanic Literature at the Université libre de Bruxelles. There, she also has joint supervision with USAL for her doctoral thesis. She is the author of several research papers published in national and international journals, focusing on comparative literature and innovative literary movements, from the historical avant-garde to contemporary narrative, and on playful creativity and linguistic games.




Victor FERRY, PhD Professor and Trainer

Domain of competence: Rhetoric, Intercultural Communication, Public Speaking & Adult Training

After a PhD in Rhetoric (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and postdoctorat at Oxford University (Faculty of Classics, Corpus Christi), he his currently teaching Argumentation, Intercultural Communication and Public Speaking at the Brussels School’s of Communication and Management (ESCG).

Since 2008, Victor Ferry is a member of the Research Group in Rhetoric and Linguistic Argumentation (GRAL).

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Site: http://gral.ulb.ac.be/

Diana Painca, PhD Student - Université Libre de Bruxelles

diana Leopold Park Oostende 014She is currently a doctoral student in the Department of “Languages, Letters and Traductology” at Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Her research seeks to emphasize the interplay between history and translation studies, reflecting her deep interest in Romanian history in particular and her passion for foreign languages.  

Her degrees in Applied Modern Languages (English-French) and Intercultural Communication (English) complemented her knowledge as a researcher and developed her perceptive analysis, sense of clarity and scientific accuracy, while also making a good use of her creativity. Her BA project “Retracing the past: history in translation” has won accolades for bringing such a worthwhile topic to the forefront, being awarded the First Prize at the Students’ Anglistics Conference.

Her Erasmus experience in Paris (Université Sorbonne Paris 7 Denis Diderot) showed her how to adapt to a multicultural environment, communicate efficiently with people and be always curious to discover and learn new things. She also took part in a “Stage Intensif de Langue et Civilisation” in Paris which cemented her knowledge of the French language and culture. Moreover, studying for DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) and CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English) she could perfect her writing and speaking skills. 

Following her studies, she had the opportunity to work in Belgium as a Comenius Assistant, teaching English to primary school students, and later as a teacher of Science and Social Studies in an English immersion class. Even if the last two fields of study were outside her purview, she successfully drew up the necessary courses and devised engaging activities that could help her students have a more active role in class. When it comes to teaching, rather than simply presenting a lesson, she strives to cultivate an interactive environment that can be conducive to free thinking and a meaningful exchange of ideas.

Her favourite leisure activities are playing tennis, reading, watching historical documentaries and of course…dancing. With her flair for foreign languages, she is always keen to remind people that dancing is the hidden language of the soul (Martha Graham).

She has embraced the idea of this project from the outset, underlining its importance in transcending cultural and linguistic frontiers and bringing people together. It’s a project that doesn’t simply make you dance, it makes you move the world (Rowan Nath).

NDELLATitulaire d’un doctorat en Sciences de l’éducation, Ndella Sylla intervient à l’Université libre de Bruxelles comme chercheure (2000-2010), comme conseillère pédagogique (depuis 2010) et Maître d’enseignement (depuis 2014).

Elle est également Professeure associée à l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada).

Domaine de compétences : pédagogie universitaire et formation des enseignants du secondaire ; didactique des disciplines.

Champs de recherches : réformes curriculaires dans l’enseignement et leur impact sur la formation et  le développement professionnel des enseignants ; étude des communautés d’apprentissage et de pratiques ; évaluation des compétences.

Elle s’intéresse aux questions de genre et multiculturalités.

E-mail : ndella.sylla @ ulb.ac.be 

melanieMélanie Falque is currently in second year in Slavic studies at Université Libre de Bruxelles. She’s studying polish and russian languages and literatures and shares her studies with spanish and english languages as well. Passionate about languages and relationship contacts, she’s planning to pursue her university degree toward a multilingual communication - international relationships master.

Beside of being a student, Mélanie has also another passion, which is dance. Began at the age of four, she has danced in a school dance during 15 years and did competitions in France (Charleville-Mézières) and Sweden (Stockholm). Energy and precision are both strengths in her work.


giuliaGiulia Bellio is a  first year student at Université Libre de Bruxelles where she studies languages and modern litteratue. She speaks Italian,Spanish ,English and French and she would like to orient her carrier towards human contact where she could use diferent languages to learn about other cultures .

After trying several sports ranging from classic dance to athletism she stumbled upons salsa dance and she was immediately seduced by the cuban rythm . She is currently in  her 4th year of salsa classes.


GiuseppeGiuseppe Caputo is 1st year Master Italian student in Management Science at Solvay Business School. He would like to work in an international context in which possibility to understand and know new cultures and point of view is high. Spanish, Italian, English are languages he speaks.

Giuseppe had practiced lots of sports as soccer, volleyball and martial arts. He fell in love with Latin dance at 16 years old and after several years of studies and stages with international dancers he became a dancing teacher.



vanessaVanessa Demeuldre Berisha, Assistant Manager

Domains of competence: Assistant Manager (economics, accountance, law and administrative fields), Graphic Designer (posters, folders in Photoshop and InDesign) and Artist (artist name: Vee Bee).

She is currently working as an Assistant Manager for the University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium, in the Department of Languages and Letters.

Her duties involved many management of international events as assistant manager of teachers organizing international colloquium and seminars in the University.

Hobbies: languages, dance, History, Art.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Site: www.facebook.com/veebeedesign or http://www.everyoneweb.fr/veebee


goncalvesStéphanie Gonçalves obtained her PhD in contemporary history in march 2015 at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her PhD, « Une guerre des étoiles, les tournées de ballet dans la diplomatie culturelle de la Guerre froide 1945-1968 », is dealing with the history of ballet as a diplomatic tool during the Cold War. She is a former teaching assistant at ULB (2008-2014). She did a post-doctorate at the Academia Belgica in Rome and taught at the Université de Rennes 2 in 2015-2016. In 2016-2017, she will be « Collaboratrice scientifique du FNRS » at the ULB. She is interested in ballet and politics, history of dance and dance as a social and political art. Her book will be soon published at the Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Site: www.facebook.com/veebeedesign or http://www.everyoneweb.fr/veebee

Universidade De Lisboa

RoxanaRoxana Ciolaneanu (PhD) teaches Romanian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Her research interests are in the field of specialised languages, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation. She wrote a book on the Romanian terminolgy of marketing and various articles in line with her research interests. She also has vast experience in teaching Romanian as a foreign language inside and outside the country and has expertise in creating language teaching materials, using authentic materials in class, one-to-one classes and organising customised courses in accordance with the trainee's profile.


EsperancaEsperança Cardeira (PhD) Domains of competence: Philology, Historical Linguistics, Portuguese Linguistics.

Esperança Cardeira teaches History of the Portuguese Language, Portuguese Dialectology, Portuguese Linguistics and Philology with the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, for over 20 years. In the past, she also taught French for foreigners.

She holds a BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures and a Ph.D. in Portuguese Linguistics, from the University of Lisbon with a thesis on historical linguistics.

She is author and co-author of number of studies on linguistic variation and change and she has been engaged in several projects, including in the field of corpus linguistics.

Hobbies: reading, travelling, gardening but mostly eating and sleeping.


AlinaAlina Villalva (PhD) has expertise in teaching and doing research in the following areas: Portuguese Vocabulary, Portuguese Morphology and Lexicology.

Alina Villalva, PhD professor

Domains of competence: lexicology, morphology and word formation

55 years old, she is a linguist and a faculty member of the Linguistics Department at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Her research activities are hosted by the Psycholinguistics Lab at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), since 2008, and by the Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional from 1986 to 2001.

She has taught a variety of disciplines, both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels, since 1984. She was the head of the Linguistics Department from 2009 to 2013. She has participated in several research projects, some of which she has also coordinated.

She published several books, individually or in collaboration with other colleagues, as well as a large number of papers, mostly in international scientific publications. She also attended many conferences, some of which as an invited speaker.

Although her research is dominantly theoretical and focused on core discussions within the fields of her expertise, she appreciates and promotes communication of her research findings and her specialized knowledge to wider audiences.

Hobbies: gardening, handcrafts

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Site: www.clul.ul.pt/pt/investigador/139-alina-villalva


Lui sLuís Xarez (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon where he teaches Creative Dance, Dance Training, and Movement Analysis. Being a researcher at the Laboratory of Motor Behavior of the same faculty, he develops research on motor memory in dance, interpersonal coordination and topics related to the training and the creative process. Has a published book about Dance Training and one on Creative Dance (in press). Former dancer and choreographer. Member of IADMS (International Association for Dance Medicine and Science) where he has presented several communications and workshops.


TaniaTânia Seixas is an expert in Ballroom Dance and she was an international practitioner and participant in World Championships, International Opens and in different television programs with large audience. She is a Ballroom dance teacher (Associate - Latin and Standard) certified by the United Kingdom Alliance (UKA).  She has a BA and a Master degreewith the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching since 2011. She develops research in the area of motor behavior in the field of interpersonal coordination of couples in dance.

  • Written by Felix Crainicu
  • Category: Teams
  • Hits: 12210

Oportunidance Team - Belgium


aliceAlice Toma is appointed Associate Professor at the Romanian Language Department of the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest / Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB.

She is twice BA graduated in philology (University of Bucharest) and mathematics (University of Bucharest). She has tree MA degrees in Contemporary Romanian Language (Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest), in Theoretical and Applied French Linguistics (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest) and in Linguistics (University of Geneva). She has benefitted from several specialization stages at the University of Geneva and Barcelona.  She completed her first PhD at the University of Bucharest, and she obtained her second PhD in linguistics at the University of Geneva. She is a member of Société Suisse de Linguistique SSL and also of Realiter, a panLatin Association of Terminology.

She delivers courses and seminars in Semantics and Lexicology, Terminology, Stylistics, Romanian language and civilisation for foreign students. Since 2000 she has been several times a member of the teaching staff at the Summer Courses of the University of Bucharest.

She has published more than 70 articles and studies in scientific journals in Romania and abroad. She is the author of five volumes: L’architecture relationnelle du texte scientifique (EME, Bruxelles, 2015, 256 p.), Fantastic şi folcloric în povestirile lui Vasile Voiculescu (Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 2014, 220 p.), Lingvistică şi matematică  [Linguistics and Mathematics] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2006, 2008, 520 p.), Les constructions segmentées [Segmented Constructions] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2008, 170 p.), Pragmatique informationnelle du discours scientifique [Informational Pragmatics of Scientific Discourse] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2009, 254 p.), and joint author of other two: Lexic comun, lexic specializat [Common Vocabulary, Specialized Vocabulary] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2000, pp. 85-118), and Lexic ştiinţific interdisciplinar[Interdisciplinary Scientific Vocabulary] (The University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2001, pp. 141-238). Her research interests are discourse analysis, text analysis, pragmatics, semantics, language for scientific purposes, terminology. 

University of Bucharest/ Université libre de Bruxelles - ULB

Faculty of Letters/ Faculté de Lettres, Communication et Traduction

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  • Docteur en Philosophie et Lettres à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, thèse effectuée en linguistique française sous la direction de Marc Wilmet : L’ADVERBE FRANÇAIS. NATURE ET FONCTIONS.
  • Professeur de linguistique française à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles et à la Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • Vice-Doyen de la Faculté de Lettres, Traduction & Communication
  • Disciplines :
    • Linguistique française : morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique, analyse du discours, enseignement du français FLM et FLES.
    • Droits de l’Homme



Dorota WALCZAK DELANOISDorota Walczak-Delanois is a Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles and chairwoman of Polish Language and Culture Department.

She studied at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań where she defended a doctoral thesis on the avant-garde poetry. She gave lectures at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Charles de Gaulle University in Lille and at the University in Leuven.

She is the author of the book: Inne obliczeawangardy. O międzywojennej poezji Jana Brzękowskiego, Jalu Kurka i Adama Ważyka (Poznań, 2001) and the book of poetry (in Polish and French) Rozmysły/ Pensuelles (Warszawa, 2004).

She has published inter alia in: Arkusz, Czas Kultury, Dialog, Excavatio, Književna smotra, Kultura (Paris), Patrimoine litteraire, POEZJA dzisiaj, Polonistyka, Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne, Prce Polonistyczne, Slavica Belgica, Slavica Gandensia, StudiaSłowianoznawcze, Images, Excavatio, Comparative Yearbook. She is the editor in chief of Slavica Bruxellensia. She is specialist of Polish avant-garde poetry and her research focuses relations between image and poetry in Polish and European poetry in the 20th and 21st century from a comparative perspective.


Cécile Bocianowski, Ph. D. assistant at Université libre de Bruxelles.

cecile IMG 20150614 WA0000She studied French Philology and Teaching French as a Foreign Language at Paris-Sorbonne, and Polish Philology at University of Warsaw. She defended a doctoral thesis at Paris-Sorbonne in Comparative Literature. She is currently teaching French and Polish as foreign languages and is a translator from Polish to French.

She is the author of several papers published in national and international journals, and among others publications, of a translation from Polish to French (Notre Classe, Paris, 2012) and the co-editor of a bilingual book (La morale de Mme Dulska. Edition bilingue, University of Warsaw, 2011).

She’s a language lover and a dance amateur, as a spectator and as a researcher. She works on links between dance, theatre and literature.


Damar, Marie-Ève

Marie Eve DAMAR iuFormation ULB

2015 Certificat d’Aptitudes à l’Enseignement Supérieur (CAPAES)
2003 - 2007 Doctorat en Langues et Lettres : « Pour une linguistique applicable, l’exemple du subjonctif en Français Langue Etrangère »
2004 DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) en Philosophie et Lettres
2000 DEC2 (Diplôme d’Etudes Complémentaires de Deuxième Cycle) en enseignement du FLE (Français Langue Etrangère)
1995 - 1999 AESS (Agrégation de l’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur)                   

Carrière scientifique
2008 – 2010 Mandat de chargée de recherche à l’ULB
Mise au point d’un dispositif d’apprentissage de la grammaire pour le FLE, préparation et coordination d’une expérience-pilote, en collaboration avec les enseignants de FLE et avec le CTE (Centre des Technologies au service de l’Enseignement) de l’ULB
2003 - 2008 Mandat à temps plein de recherche doctorale à l’ULB
2000 Assistante à temps plein à la LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY (USA), pour le French Education Project for Research and Teacher Education, auprès du professeur Robert Lafayette, Chair of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, semestre d’automne

Poste de chercheur sur base de fonds extérieurs (Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles) à l’ULB, « Les déficits en français langue maternelle », auprès du professeur Marc Wilmet

Expériences nombreuses d’enseignement du français depuis 2000

Charge d’enseignement actuelle (2015-2016) :
Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Lettres, Traduction, Communication :
« Communication écrite en langue française » (titulaire)
« Méthodologie et exercices de communication écrite » (titulaire)
« Compréhension de textes » (cotitulaire)
« Linguistique du français moderne » (suppléante)
« Grammaire appliquée au FLE » (suppléante)

  • Séances de répétition de 3 cours en Langues et Lettres, pour étudiants allophones (ATLV)

Université de Mons, Faculté de Sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation :
« Linguistique contrastive pour l’enseignement-apprentissage du français » (titulaire)

Missions d’expertise
2009-à ce jour Supervision scientifique des aspects linguistique et pédagogique de la mission des lecteurs de langues et littérature françaises envoyés par Wallonie-Bruxelles International dans les universités étrangères et dans les lycées bilingues : recrutement, formations initiale et continue, évaluation des rapports pédagogiques, missions d’inspection
2011-2012 Direction des aspects pédagogiques et scientifiques de la F9 Languages in Brussels (école de langues dépendant de l’ULB) : supervision des enseignements, missions d’inspection, coordination pédagogique

Une trentaine d’articles dans des revues et d’actes de colloques, en linguistique française, en linguistique appliquée au FLE et en didactique du FLE
Plusieurs ouvrages en collaboration et deux ouvrages publiés à titre de seul auteur :
Communication écrite, Bruxelles, De Boeck, février 2014
Pour une linguistique applicable : l’exemple du subjonctif en FLE, Peter Lang, 2009, 248 p., avec le concours de la Fondation Universitaire

Tel. bureau : 02/ 650 44 42 fax : 02/ 650 24 50 Portable : 0474/ 37 39 11

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 Lidia Morales Benito has degrees in both French and Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca, where she also completed the courses for her doctoral programme and received a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. She currently works as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language and is assistant in Hispanic Literature at the Université libre de Bruxelles. There, she also has joint supervision with USAL for her doctoral thesis. She is the author of several research papers published in national and international journals, focusing on comparative literature and innovative literary movements, from the historical avant-garde to contemporary narrative, and on playful creativity and linguistic games.




Victor FERRY, PhD Professor and Trainer
Domain of competence: Rhetoric, Intercultural Communication, Public Speaking & VICTORAdult Training
After a PhD in Rhetoric (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and postdoctorat at Oxford University (Faculty of Classics, Corpus Christi), he his currently teaching Argumentation, Intercultural Communication and Public Speaking at the Brussels School’s of Communication and Management (ESCG). 
Since 2008, Victor Ferry is a member of the Research Group in Rhetoric and Linguistic Argumentation (GRAL).

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Site: http://gral.ulb.ac.be/

Diana Painca, PhD Student - Université Libre de Bruxelles

diana Leopold Park Oostende 014She is currently a doctoral student in the Department of “Languages, Letters and Traductology” at Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Her research seeks to emphasize the interplay between history and translation studies, reflecting her deep interest in Romanian history in particular and her passion for foreign languages.  

Her degrees in Applied Modern Languages (English-French) and Intercultural Communication (English) complemented her knowledge as a researcher and developed her perceptive analysis, sense of clarity and scientific accuracy, while also making a good use of her creativity. Her BA project “Retracing the past: history in translation” has won accolades for bringing such a worthwhile topic to the forefront, being awarded the First Prize at the Students’ Anglistics Conference.

Her Erasmus experience in Paris (Université Sorbonne Paris 7 Denis Diderot) showed her how to adapt to a multicultural environment, communicate efficiently with people and be always curious to discover and learn new things. She also took part in a “Stage Intensif de Langue et Civilisation” in Paris which cemented her knowledge of the French language and culture. Moreover, studying for DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) and CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English) she could perfect her writing and speaking skills. 

Following her studies, she had the opportunity to work in Belgium as a Comenius Assistant, teaching English to primary school students, and later as a teacher of Science and Social Studies in an English immersion class. Even if the last two fields of study were outside her purview, she successfully drew up the necessary courses and devised engaging activities that could help her students have a more active role in class. When it comes to teaching, rather than simply presenting a lesson, she strives to cultivate an interactive environment that can be conducive to free thinking and a meaningful exchange of ideas.

Her favourite leisure activities are playing tennis, reading, watching historical documentaries and of course…dancing. With her flair for foreign languages, she is always keen to remind people that dancing is the hidden language of the soul (Martha Graham).

She has embraced the idea of this project from the outset, underlining its importance in transcending cultural and linguistic frontiers and bringing people together. It’s a project that doesn’t simply make you dance, it makes you move the world (Rowan Nath).


NDELLATitulaire d’un doctorat en Sciences de l’éducation, Ndella Sylla intervient à l’Université libre de Bruxelles comme chercheure (2000-2010), comme conseillère pédagogique (depuis 2010) et Maître d’enseignement (depuis 2014).

Elle est également Professeure associée à l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada).

Domaine de compétences : pédagogie universitaire et formation des enseignants du secondaire ; didactique des disciplines.

Champs de recherches : réformes curriculaires dans l’enseignement et leur impact sur la formation et  le développement professionnel des enseignants ; étude des communautés d’apprentissage et de pratiques ; évaluation des compétences.

Elle s’intéresse aux questions de genre et multiculturalités.

E-mail : ndella.sylla @ ulb.ac.be 


melanieMélanie Falque is currently in second year in Slavic studies at Université Libre de Bruxelles. She’s studying polish and russian languages and literatures and shares her studies with spanish and english languages as well. Passionate about languages and relationship contacts, she’s planning to pursue her university degree toward a multilingual communication - international relationships master.

Beside of being a student, Mélanie has also another passion, which is dance. Began at the age of four, she has danced in a school dance during 15 years and did competitions in France (Charleville-Mézières) and Sweden (Stockholm). Energy and precision are both strengths in her work.


giuliaGiulia Bellio is a  first year student at Université Libre de Bruxelles where she studies languages and modern litteratue. She speaks Italian,Spanish ,English and French and she would like to orient her carrier towards human contact where she could use diferent languages to learn about other cultures .

After trying several sports ranging from classic dance to athletism she stumbled upons salsa dance and she was immediately seduced by the cuban rythm . She is currently in  her 4th year of salsa classes.



Giuseppe Caputo
is 1st year Master Italian student in Management Science at Solvay Business School. He would like to work in an international context in which possibility to understand and know new cultures and point of view is high. Spanish, Italian, English are languages he speaks.

Giuseppe had practiced lots of sports as soccer, volleyball and martial arts. He fell in love with Latin dance at 16 years old and after several years of studies and stages with international dancers he became a dancing teacher.



vanessaVanessa Demeuldre Berisha, Assistant Manager

Domains of competence: Assistant Manager (economics, accountance, law and administrative fields), Graphic Designer (posters, folders in Photoshop and InDesign) and Artist (artist name: Vee Bee).

She is currently working as an Assistant Manager for the University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium, in the Department of Languages and Letters.

Her duties involved many management of international events as assistant manager of teachers organizing international colloquium and seminars in the University.

Hobbies: languages, dance, History, Art.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


goncalvesStéphanie Gonçalves obtained her PhD in contemporary history in march 2015 at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her PhD, « Une guerre des étoiles, les tournées de ballet dans la diplomatie culturelle de la Guerre froide 1945-1968 », is dealing with the history of ballet as a diplomatic tool during the Cold War. She is a former teaching assistant at ULB (2008-2014). She did a post-doctorate at the Academia Belgica in Rome and taught at the Université de Rennes 2 in 2015-2016. In 2016-2017, she will be « Collaboratrice scientifique du FNRS » at the ULB. She is interested in ballet and politics, history of dance and dance as a social and political art. Her book will be soon published at the Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Site: www.facebook.com/veebeedesign or http://www.everyoneweb.fr/veebee

  • Written by Felix Crainicu
  • Category: Teams
  • Hits: 10527

Oportunidance Team - Spain

Xavier Pascual, Ph.D. Associate Professor

xavierDomains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural  communication.

He is currently working as French teacher at EOIBD and as Associate Profesor and researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

In the past he has also taught Spanish and Catalan for foreigners and currently is teaching French and doing research on developing intercultural Competence.

46 years old, his professional activity encompasses 20 years in several countries and he has participated in several international educational projects and has consulted  in two different projects relating to teaching and learning foreign languages organized by the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz for the Council of Europe.

His ceaseless appetite for international travel and cultural interaction has allowed his passion to become his profession .

Hobbies: photography, travelling and diving.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gemma Rovira

gemmaDomains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural communication.

Fluent in five languages, she is currently working as a Dutch teacher at EOIBD. In the past he has also taught English and Catalan for foreigners in Spain and Spanish for foreigners in Belgium. She has taught Spanish at the European institutions and has  participated in European projects while working in Belgium.

She has followed and given many trainings for language teachers in several countries, and some of the materials presented were published. She enjoys creating materials in order to motivate her students to develop their love for other languages and cultures.

Gemma is a passionate reader and traveller and her love for languages makes her a vocational teacher.

Hobbies: Travelling, reading, meeting new people and arts and crafts.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Written by Felix Crainicu
  • Category: Teams
  • Hits: 8727

Oportunidance Team - Portugal

Universidade De Lisboa

RoxanaRoxana Ciolaneanu (PhD) teaches Romanian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Her research interests are in the field of specialised languages, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation. She wrote a book on the Romanian terminolgy of marketing and various articles in line with her research interests. She also has vast experience in teaching Romanian as a foreign language inside and outside the country and has expertise in creating language teaching materials, using authentic materials in class, one-to-one classes and organising customised courses in accordance with the trainee's profile.


EsperancaEsperança Cardeira (PhD) Domains of competence: Philology, Historical Linguistics, Portuguese Linguistics.

Esperança Cardeira teaches History of the Portuguese Language, Portuguese Dialectology, Portuguese Linguistics and Philology with the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, for over 20 years. In the past, she also taught French for foreigners.

She holds a BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures and a Ph.D. in Portuguese Linguistics, from the University of Lisbon with a thesis on historical linguistics.

She is author and co-author of number of studies on linguistic variation and change and she has been engaged in several projects, including in the field of corpus linguistics.

Hobbies: reading, travelling, gardening but mostly eating and sleeping.


AlinaAlina Villalva (PhD) has expertise in teaching and doing research in the following areas: Portuguese Vocabulary, Portuguese Morphology and Lexicology.

Alina Villalva, PhD professor

Domains of competence: lexicology, morphology and word formation

55 years old, she is a linguist and a faculty member of the Linguistics Department at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Her research activities are hosted by the Psycholinguistics Lab at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), since 2008, and by the Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional from 1986 to 2001.

She has taught a variety of disciplines, both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels, since 1984. She was the head of the Linguistics Department from 2009 to 2013. She has participated in several research projects, some of which she has also coordinated.

She published several books, individually or in collaboration with other colleagues, as well as a large number of papers, mostly in international scientific publications. She also attended many conferences, some of which as an invited speaker.

Although her research is dominantly theoretical and focused on core discussions within the fields of her expertise, she appreciates and promotes communication of her research findings and her specialized knowledge to wider audiences.

Hobbies: gardening, handcrafts

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Site: www.clul.ul.pt/pt/investigador/139-alina-villalva


Lui sLuís Xarez (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon where he teaches Creative Dance, Dance Training, and Movement Analysis. Being a researcher at the Laboratory of Motor Behavior of the same faculty, he develops research on motor memory in dance, interpersonal coordination and topics related to the training and the creative process. Has a published book about Dance Training and one on Creative Dance (in press). Former dancer and choreographer. Member of IADMS (International Association for Dance Medicine and Science) where he has presented several communications and workshops.


TaniaTânia Seixas is an expert in Ballroom Dance and she was an international practitioner and participant in World Championships, International Opens and in different television programs with large audience. She is a Ballroom dance teacher (Associate - Latin and Standard) certified by the United Kingdom Alliance (UKA).  She has a BA and a Master degreewith the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching since 2011. She develops research in the area of motor behavior in the field of interpersonal coordination of couples in dance.

  • Written by Felix Crainicu
  • Category: Teams
  • Hits: 9711

Oportunidance Team - Romania


Roxana Bârlea, PhD Associate professor - Project Managerroxana barlea

Domains of competence: methodology of teaching foreign languages; intercultural and professional communication

She is currently working as guest researcher with the University of Geneva, Switzerland, teaching Romanian as a foreign language.

Between 2003 and 2015 she taught French and business communication at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania. Her duties also involved collaborations with multinational companies in Bucharest, teaching professional communication in French and Romanian as foreign languages.

39 years old, her professional activity encompasses 12 years in 11 countries on 4 continents; over 50 publications (articles, studies and books), over 30 participations in conferences and 12 research projects.

Fascinated by linguistic and cultural diversity, for Roxana Bârlea teaching is a passion much more than a mere profession.

Hobbies: social dance, guitar playing

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Site: www.roxana.birlea.ro

Maria-Antoaneta Lorentz, PhD Associate Professor

lorenzMaria-Antoaneta is a scholar in foreign languages. She holds a university degree in French and English linguistics and literature from the University of Bucharest, Romania and a Ph.D. in Philology from the same university with a thesis on axiological adjectives.

She joined the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 1991 and since 2005 she has been Associate Professor in business communication in foreign languages.

Variety is the spice of life, and the quest for variety has driven her work as a teacher, researcher, trainer, freelance consultant and internal auditor.

Her main interest is finding ways to enhance and support her students’ educational learning performance. She enjoys contributing to the profession through her works. She is author and co-author of business English and French materials, dictionaries, lexicons and vocabularies.  The use of technology in language teaching really “lights her fire” and is always on the look-out for ways to exploit new technologies, being one of the promoters of using blended learning in teaching foreign languages in the academic or professional environments.

Her research focuses on various concepts, frameworks and issues that underpin language teaching methodology, including French and English for academic and specific purposes, Romanian for foreign students, cross-cultural competence in business communication, applied linguistics, terminology and specialized translation. 

She has been engaged in a number of national and international projects, including Multilingual Communication, E-Learning and Blended Learning, Quality Assessment Training, Towards a more specialized European Framework for (self)assessing language competences, Acquis Communautaire.

She is editor and peer-review of “Dialogos” and “Synergy”, two journals open to language teachers and other specialists in education. She has published extensively in the academic literature on teaching methodology and business communication and has presented results of her work to a number of national and international conferences.

She is a member of ARDUF (Romanian Association of Francophone Academic Departments) and of the Pan-Latin Terminology Network - Realiter.

Hobbies: history, music, travelling

Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mariana Nicolae, PhD Professor 

nicolaeProfessor Nicolae is the head of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication of the School of International Business and Economics of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (BUES), one of the most important universities of economics and business in Romania and the region. Professor Nicolae is also the director of the Master in International Business Communication programme delivered in English.

Mariana Nicolae holds a BA in English literature and linguistics from the University of Bucharest, Romania, a Ph.D. in Education from the same university, and a doctoral degree in Economics with a focus on leadership in higher education. Besides teaching, research and academic management, her current duties involve institutional building, coaching and mentoring, networking with people and organizations, publishing, traveling, and organizing (inter)national conferences in Romania. She was a Fulbright senior scholar at the California State University of San Bernardino in 2005 and in May 2013 has been appointed a Fulbright ambassador for higher education institutions. She participated as an expert evaluator in the Framework Programme 7 of the European Union. She is a founding member of the English-Speaking Union-Romania, a member of the Romanian Association for American Studies, a board member of the Association for Women Entrepreneurship Development, and a member of the Society for Business Excellence and the president of the Association Lingua Economica. 

Mariana Nicolae strongly believes in creativity and internationalization in education, research and academic management, in the need for coaching and mentoring for everybody.

Hobbies: gardening, walking, dancing, music.

Contact details:





e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

tel/fax: 0040 21 318 45 78 

Roxana Marinescu, PhD Associate professor

marinescuDomains of competence: intercultural communication, gender studies, business communication, foreign languages methodology.

Roxana Marinescu teaches Business Communication in English with the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. She holds an MA in British Cultural Studies and a PhD in Philology (“Magna cum Laude”) from the University of Bucharest, with a thesis on identity and postcolonialism in novels by authors of South-Asian origin.

She has published a number of articles on a variety of topics, including intercultural communication, cultural studies, multilingualism, education for democratic citizenship, gender studies, and foreign language education. Also, she published several books and textbooks.

She is editor-in-chief of Synergy Journal, a vehicle of research and practical teaching ideas, connecting academics in Europe and beyond.

Hobbies: reading, feminism, social activism

Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / www.synergy.ase.ro

Irina David, PhD Lecturer

irinadavidOKDomains of competence: the methodology of teaching business communication in English, cultural issues related to language training, developing critical thinking skills

Irina David is a Lecturer with the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She has a BA in English and French languages and literatures from the University of Bucharest, an MS in Business Communication in English and one in English Language Education and Research Communication in Business and Economics, both from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In 2012 she received her degree of Doctor in Philology from the University of Bucharest.

She co-authored two textbooks on business communication in English and one on cultural studies and she is the author of a book on enhancing students’ communication skills in English. She is also the author and co-author of various articles which focus on cultural and methodological topics.

She has participated in research projects on multilingualism and designing tools for the (self)-assessment of language proficiency, the development of academic and research skills, as well as in projects on socioeconomic issues.

Hobbies: listening to good music, travelling, spending time with her dogs

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Felix Crainicu, founder of Oportunidad

felixTheater director, choreographer, dancer, radio host, writer. With over fifteen years experience in dancing, drama, salsa. He studied salsa with some of the greatest teachers worldwide and went on stage in many countries of Europe and America. He has got a wide artistic experience, on stage and backstage. Author of many shows and performances.

“He is one of the fastest learners I've ever met. While in Romania, he picked up Musicality as if he had done it his entire life. He was so thirsty to learn more, it was a dream working with him. I'd love to see how far he's come. He is an example Musicalist for Eastern European Salseros.” - Eddie The Salsafreak

“Smooth!” - Susana Montero

Interview with Felix

Following many years on stage and backstage, Felix Crainicu decided to create this school of dance, theater, improvisation and personal development in the winter of 2011. Therefore, March 1st 2011 was the schools’ big opening. From then on a long series of classes, workshops, shows and events followed. On March 1st 2013, because the school name was no longer representative, Oportunidad Escuela de Salsa / Oportunidad Salsa School became Oportunidad Escuela de Baile / Oportunidad Dance School.

"It is never too late for social dance and I am a vivid example. I was around 27 – 28 when I started dancing. Until then I had never taken one dancing step. Ever! After a few years I was already dancing on stage across Europe in theater-dance performances. All you need is a start. " - Felix

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danaDana Stinga - manager, instructor

As an actress she performed many years for  "Tony Bulandra" Theater in Targoviste as well as on many other stages across and outside the country. She joined the team of Oportunidad in 2013 by taking over all the tasks regarding management and public relations.  What is more, she is the one connecting the wonderful world of dancing with the unique universe of the theater.   After intensive training, Dana started teaching beginners classes in 2015. She also gives improvisation and acting classes.  

"Dancing is completing the great art of the actor. Besides, it is a means to be free. " – Dana

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

andreeaAndreea Hagiu - instructor

She discovered salsa in Belgium in 2012 and joined Oportunidad in May 2013. After a short while she became familiar with the magic on stage and in November 2013 she became part of the instructors’ team. She works in the nongovernmental field, loves children, volunteering and nonformal education.  A complete dancer who always seeks perfection. Her dance classes will always make you smile because her innate joy appears in each and every one of her moves. She created her own dance style, unique in Romania.

"I feel the dance as if it were in my blood. It sends me shivers and makes me vibrate. To me, dancing is intensity, magic and freedom." – Andreea

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

codrutCodrut Alexandrescu - instructor

Economist, he started taking salsa classes at Oportunidad in 2011. He is among the very first students of the school. He immediately understood the mechanisms he needed in order to learn salsa and he uses them now in order to share with others his knowledge. His rigorousity and vision are helping him adapt dancing according to his own principles. His wide experience in martial arts can be easily recognized during his classes through his strength and tenacity.

“Salsa is that way in which I express myself without using words but through gestures, my attitude and my look in order to let my dance partner know what I feel.” - Codrut.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro

dimitrieDimitrie Carp - instructor

A passionate and experienced dancer, he discovered this type of art in the beginning of the 2000’s, when he was a member of the ballroom team which later became Romania’s national champion. Since 2004 he has been dancing salsa without interruption, being part of five different dancing teams and for two of them he was the choreographer himself. He has been teaching salsa, bachata, rueda and cha cha cha since 2011. He joined the team of Oportunidad in 2013.

"Salsa is going to change your life!" - Dimitrie

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / oportunidad.ro


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